Who We Are

Our Mission
-Restore, unity, and COMMUNITY

The mission of Rejoice Centers is to restore the joy and wholeness of God’s people and those who are seeking for Him and truth, through the revelation of God’s heart. God’s compassion and goodness are revealed through the provision of support, prayers, renewing of the mind through the learning of the truth, counseling, the words of prophets, teaching of the wholeness and health, and a private place to soak in God’s presence and to hear and worship God. God desires us to live in joy and triumph and reign and disciple others as His kingdom people. Freedom and rest are instilled in the intimate time with God. It is the Father’s heart to prosper His people in all things, and in good health, even as their souls prosper.

The support, prayer groups, and teachings in the Rejoice Centers are provided by the gifts of the Body of Christ from all Churches in unity and vision of the heart of the Father, the Great Shepherd, and the great commission. 

Rejoice Centers also provides support for small groups of believers in the community seeking a gathering place to fellowship and worship on Sundays. It offers a gathering place for evangelists’ gospel activities for college campuses. Special community or congregation events can be arranged for specific purposes.



Transformation takes place when the goodness and compassion of God is revealed and the truths are established  in your heart. Your depression and disparity will be changed to joy and hope. Your weakness will be changed to strength and courage. Your anxiety will be changed to peace and rest. 

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Our Core Believes

  • God, the creator of heaven and earth, are eternally existent as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and are eternally existing in three co-equal Persons in one Godhead. (Genesis 1:1, 26-27; Matthew 28:19)
  • Bible, composed of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments is God inspired and is infallible Word of God. ((2 Timothy 3:16).
  • Jesus is the Son of God who put on human flesh and fulfilled the prophecy of virgin birth to be able to live among mankind and die on the cross on our behalf so that our sins can be forgiven. He died after crucifixion, was buried, and then resurrected on the third day to fulfill the redemption for mankind that is to be received by all those who believe and receive Him. He ascended to Heaven and will come back again to reign on earth as Lord and King. Jesus is the only name by which a person can be saved because He is the only one who is without sin as the perfect lamb of God to take away the sins of the world. (Isiah 7:14, Isiah 9:6; John 1:29, 36, John 3:16, John 1:12)
  • Holy Spirit dwells in our spirits and works in our lives. We actively seek and expect the Holy Spirit’s guidance, direction and empowerment. (John 14:16-17, 26)
  • Gifts of the Spirit – The Holy Spirit continues to bestow his gifts on believers: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues.(1 Cor 12:7-11)
  • Body of Christ– Church is the Body of Christ who is the head of the church. The Body of Christ represents the born-again believers universally and function locally. There is one body and one Spirit,  one hope of our calling;  one Lord, one faith, one baptism;  one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.(Ephesians 4:3-6)
  • Members of the Body of Christ -All believers are the members of the Body of Christ with different gifts and functions according to the measured grace from Christ. The gifts of the Body are given by the Lord to equip the believers who are to be built up together in love and unity according to Christ the Head of the Body to the full statue of Christ. Members are many but the Body is one.  (Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:7-13).
  • Healing – Jesus Christ, who does not change,  continues to be our healer today. He purchased our healing through His atonement on the cross and manifests the healing to believers according to prayers of faith. Christ heals our whole person- the body, soul(mind, emotions, will), and the spirit. (Hebrews 13:8, Isiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24)
  • Salvation is freely given by God’s grace when we repent and receive Christ as our personal Redeemer and Savior by faith.  We can never earn our salvation by good works or vain religion. The death of Christ on the cross is the only qualified payment for our sins. All have sinned, but all can be saved. This salvation is available for anyone who puts their trust in Christ as their Redeemer and Savior. The salvation includes the redemption from Sin, avoidance of second death(as destination for the devil in the lake of fire), and the saving grace in the present life on earth. (John 3:16,  John 10:10; Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-10, Revelation 21:8)
  • Eternal life begins the very moment when we receive Jesus Christ by faith as our Savior and Lord. It continues in our intimate experience of who God is and all He is to us in our everyday living on earth and that we will be raised again from physical death and put on immortality upon Jesus Christ’s return to the earth and live in the presence of God for eternity . (John 10:28-30, John 6:40; John 17:3; John 10:10 b, 1Cor 15:51-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:14, 16-17)